
Sabtu, 08 Februari 2014

Designing “Science Breaker” Game for Children Science Learning

The Tenth International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society, 12-13 Desember 2013, Thailand

Melinda Safitri
Faculty of Computer Science, Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU) Semarang, Indonesia
Nurvianto Nugroho Putro
Faculty of Computer Science, Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU) Semarang, Indonesia
Bernardinus Harnadi
Faculty of Computer Science, Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU) Semarang, Indonesia

 Abstract - Games are entertainment media used by children to fill her time off. But now, the game is also used as a medium for children to learn. This can be an effective medium of learning in the classroom.
Game "Science Breaker" is designed to encourage children to explore science. This game has concept of "select & see". "Select" is used to define the anatomy of selected science and "see" is used to view the description, type, and function of their anatomy. Games not only provide pleasure in learning but also give experience of communicating with children the others by playing in groups Breaker Science.

Keywords: Games, Children Learning Media, Science

I.                   INTRODUCTION

Until now interactive learning media related to Natural Sciences is rarely developed. Technological developments play a role in bringing a new era when addressing all aspects of life. Natural wealth needs to be introduced to the younger generation at an early age. By utilizing reflection technology for education which it has now become a reflection of knowledge through video games.
In accordance learning emphasized in the curriculum for elementary students in 2006 [3], the learning should be designed in an integrated manner so as to develop the potential of students. With a game that contains elements of education will provide superior aspect.
By playing and learning to support the growing potential for children to get to know more about the environment.
How to study of nature was quite interesting with a wide variety of medium including gaming medium. Understanding of the nature would be more fun for the kids. Nature has many kinds of plants, animals, the environment and so forth.


2.1. Child's Perspective

Science Game Breaker is a game designed to encourage children to learn about nature with more fun.
Inside of a child there are intellectual talents and abilities. Talent is something that is "inherent" in a person from birth and associated with brain structure. Genetically brain structure is already formed at birth, but the function of the brain is determined by how the environment interacts with the child. Usually it is associated with intelligence capabilities [1].
A child can have different tendencies, hyperactivity or impulsive. The nature of the child's hyperactive behavior could be seen from a child who cannot sit still. As if sitting is something that is hard to do. He would get up and run around, walking around, even climb. While the children who have a tendency to impulsive nature characterized by difficulties children to delay a response. For example, the behavior of children is not impatient.[4]

Tendency needs to be directed. Science Breaker provides children in learning effectiveness. Comfort is important to note a child. Children will be more comfortable learning when what he did was make her happy. The Science Breaker is designed as attractive as possible so that children can be more convenient to learn. In learning to know nature children can play, Determination of bold colors will make the children become more interested in play them, then the child is also expected to communicate to others in exchange opinion on conversations available. The menus are designed to be made as simple as possible so that children do not find it difficult to search a sub game that they need. The introduction of formerly ordinary nature that they can only read in the books they are now able to play them well with the Interactive Media Science Breaker game.

2.2. Science Education Perspective

Indonesia has a wide range of natural diversity. Spread from Sabang to Marauke, Indonesian charm eye makes the whole world looked. One of the inherent nature of culture in Indonesia is Mount and Plant.
            Peoples are increasingly difficult in studying about the shape and characteristics of plants and mountain in Indonesia. Therefore Science Breaker game is expected to provide solution knowledge of nature that exist in Indonesia from search stage what will be learned (Mount, Plants, Animals, Forest). Then they would determine their characteristics, functions, or the advantages and disadvantages, as well as complementary explanations in it.
            Inside of a child has a role to the formation of the inner personality that can be connected between the character and the talent that is often discussed in personality psychology. Other than that we also need to know more about the relationship between temperament, character and physical constitution.
            Science Game Breaker is expected to help the child in overcoming difficulties on him, especially in the field of nature. And probably more children can receive natural science lessons easier and more enjoyable. [2]
Game Breaker Science provides an understanding of the natural sciences such as animals and plants through each character played.


            Science Breaker game can be played single or in groups.
            Players will play each characters which available in the game. And the number of characters will continue to grow with increasing level. Players will get the items when defeated enemy. With these items players can combine it with the character he plays or exchange items with other players. The number of items also will be growing if the active players in the game continuously

Fig 2.1 Display

Fig 2.2 Select Menu
            Players will choose the icon start if you want to start the game and can choose the icon credits if you want to know who the maker of the game.


Fig 2.3 Introduction Story

Before entering into the game, the player is given the first illustration where one day Icha with her friends decided to go to traveling in the open nature

Fig 2.4 Plot

On their way to the mountain, Icha and her friends use the city bus. Once up in the mountains, they walk up to arrive at the top of the mountain.
            At the end of the illustration, it will be given an overview of the nature by walking to look for plant and its functions.


Fig 2.5 Stages of Game

            After the description of the story the next stage is Rules. Supplied stage games before playing this game by selecting the stage where they want to play.

Fig 2.6 How to Play

            At a next stage the player will be given how to play the game Science Breaker.

Fig 2.7 Display of Game

            This game is an educational game that can help and be one of educational media for the children. The Game is good in Indonesian Natural introduction for children and can provide a positive impact on the development of children to love nature. With Science Breaker game, we make that video games are not only for the entertainment media but can be fun as well as interesting learning media.
[1]   Semiawan Conny. (1997). Prespektif Pendidikan Anak Berbakat. Jakarta : PT Grasindo.
[2]   Prawira Atma Purwa. (2013). Psikologi kepribadian dengan prespektif baru
          Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.
[3]   Sutrisno, and Nuryanto ”Profil Pelaksanaan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) di Provinsi Jambi (Studi Evaluatif Pelaksanaan KTSP, SD, SMP dan SMA)”, URL : http://www.puslitjaknov.org/
        Last Access : 20/08/2013.
[4]   Mengenal dan membimbing anak. URL: http://foblog.psikomedia.com/pdf?id=2140%E2%80%8E   
          Last Access : 13/09/2013

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